Episode 31

🏫 David Harkin of 8billionideas

Published on: 9th June, 2023

#31 - Welcome back to ‘I’d Rather be at the Beach’, brought to you by me, I’m Simon and I run The Bonjour Agency. If you work in an independent school then this is the podcast for you where we don’t talk about work but we do talk to people in the independent school sector.

Today we have a great guest, I’ve really been looking forward to this. David Harkin is the CEO of 8billionideas, a business that’s on a mission to give students the skills and belief to change the world. You’ve probably seen him on social media, usually delivering a keynote speech somewhere in the world on maybe on TV, he’s been on various news programmes.

Anyway, we break the rules slightly here by spending a few minutes talking about work, not so that David can sell 8billionideas to you but because I wanted to ask him about starting a business because some of you listening to this right now would also like to leave where you work and do your own thing, follow your own mission. So to understand a smidge about David’s business, what they do, is a helpful thing when applying that to your own life.

So we talk about David leaving IBM to start this, running a business while having young children, we talk about running, we talk about dogs, it’s a great recording and I think you’re going to love it.

So come with me now as we dive into this recording and speak to the CEO of 8billionideas, it’s David Harkin.

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About the Podcast

I'd Rather be at the Beach
Welcome to I'd Rather be at the Beach, the podcast for school marketing managers that's *not* about school marketing management. Instead we talk about everything else that school marketing managers spend their time doing. Their families, their hobbies, the previous jobs they've had, the music they're into, the books they're reading and the holidays they've been on. This is the podcast for you if you're a school marketing manager who likes your job, you might even love your job. But you'd rather be at the beach.

About your host

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Simon Jones